my dude

Get a Voki now!

Friday, October 17, 2008

What is a hyperlink? a hyper link is somthing that you can make by selecting the words you want to be the hyperlink then you click the hyperlink button.

How do you insert a hyperlink into a blog post? you take the highlighted words that is the hyper link put it into a new post then your done...

What is delicious is a website that you sing up for then you can take any website link you want then add it on there and it saves it for you so you dont have to remember the url

What is the purpose of a delicious account, in your own words? it makes it easyer to go to websites you have or know you just got to go to then you click the link.

Monday, October 13, 2008

i learned from doin this that there is wierd pimped out cop cars asians cant ever find cars that arent in a few named brnds they want nice looking speed and more and not many brands allow you to have them all and here is some things about cars shows and more!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

well i have to type about cyber bullying and stuff like that i dont know much about cyber bullying so ill tell you all i know. cyber bullying is when you are harrased online like if i was to email you and say "i know were you live i've been stalking you, Im goin to hurt you" or  somthing like that that you feel thretend or uncomfertable then that could be cyber bullying if you are being cyber bullyed you can report it to some kind of athority. if it still happends then you can change your email adress by making a new one or  if you dont want to go through all that then you can change your name and make it private(if you email allows it) then you can like report spam in his messages and make it so he cant contact you if he can get your phone number then get the phone numbers that the person calls from not able to call then you can try to ignor them and thats about half of what i know but im done........ 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

my theme is anything i like. i like videogames, computers, cars, and tons more! well im doin technology this time well i dont know whats new that came out so i cant tell you new updated things but i can tell you what i like thats out right now like need for speed carbon most wanted  and guitar hero 3 and tons more and tons more!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

another one.....

well here goes another one i have to do and i dont know what to type about so ill talk about a car a nissian skyline is not leagel in the usa it is fast i love then and i also like the mishibisti lance evolution 7 it is a god car i like it in need for speed most wanted and i like the last porsche........ and now i got to go.......

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

my stuf

well this is my first post and i need to do one for my computer class. and im doing this blogg about funny cats and cars or anything i want because its my stuf. my name is jimmy and i like funny things cars games and computers.